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Why you should treat yourself to a foot massage

More foot massage for all! Our feet are our body’s balance board. It’s largely thanks to our feet that we have managed to get as far in life as we have. Wouldn’t it be weird and disrespectful not to take care of them as best we can? (This is a rhetorical question, and the answer is obviously yes.)

If what we feel in our feet was happening somewhere else in our bodies, we would probably fix it much earlier. So it’s only proper to treat this solid foundation, which is what our feet are, with a massage session now and then. This is where Flowfeet comes to the rescue, a best-in-test, winning premium product created to give your tootsies the love they deserve.

Five benefits of foot massage

 If the product description wasn’t enough to convince you that foot massage ought to be a priority in your life, Flowlife has listed some of the many reasons why you should take the time to massage your feet more often:

* Increased blood circulation. This, in turn, releases substances such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins – hormones that positively affect us. A sedentary lifestyle and tight shoes are two common reasons why foot circulation is inhibited. Your feet are also the part of the body furthest from the heart, so it takes time for blood to reach them.

* Improved, and in this case, that means lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is now one of the most common lifestyle diseases, with an increased risk of developing it. This is because it is caused by stress, an inactive lifestyle, and a poor diet – in other words, the way many people live today. Massaging your feet won’t automatically make all the other pieces fall into place, but it’s a good start!

* Better sleep. Anything that can help you sleep better is worth trying. Foot massage counteracts stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect sleep, so it§ enables you to relax. As a result, it helps you fall asleep faster and sleep better. If the problem is cramps or restless legs, foot massage can also be beneficial, relaxing the muscles and, as indicated earlier, increasing blood circulation.

* Relief from persistent headaches and other pain. Remember that your body is a single unit! The tension caused by intense and prolonged stress tends to be rooted in the feet, so releasing what’s at the bottom can help remove what’s at the top. For the same reason, foot massage is also supposed to alleviate depression and anxiety, much centered in the head.

* Injury prevention, as massage stimulates and strengthens the muscles in and around the feet. A foot massage can speed up the healing process if you already have an injury. Common foot problems, such as heel spurs, tendonitis, and flat feet, can be alleviated by foot massage combined with foot exercises.

To sum up, foot massage brings nothing but BENEFITS. So what are you waiting for?

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