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Running injuries - how can I avoid them?

Running has a significant positive impact on well-being. That said, it is not a completely risk-free activity. The endorphins kick in, and you get carried away. This can result in injury from too much physical exertion. To prevent you from falling into that trap, we’ve put together an article describing the five most common running injuries with tips on how to avoid them.


Shin splints

Known as medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints are caused by excessive physical activity and cause pain in the lower leg. The cause is subjecting the muscles and tendons to severe physical stress. The pain is on the front or inside of the lower leg and can vary from sharp to throbbing.

Treatment: Shin splints often heal on their own. To speed up the healing process, you should avoid physical activity that causes pain or exercise that does not stress the lower legs. Cycling or swimming are two gentle sports that are good for this. It is also a good idea to think about the type of shoes you are wearing. Try trainers with good stability and shock-absorbing properties.

Read more about shin splints here!

Calf strain

A calf strain is an umbrella term for various symptoms in and around the calf muscles. Typical signs of calf strain include acute and severe pain, burning pain with activity that subsides with rest, numbness, cramping, stiffness, weakness, and tenderness when you squeeze the calves. There may also be a grating sound or a pop when the injury occurs. 

Treatment: Calf strain is a collective name for several symptoms/injuries, so the treatment depends on the symptom/injury you have. If it is a muscle fracture, the POLICE regime* is recommended. If the symptoms are more painful, rehabilitation training is recommended instead.

Read more about calf strain here!


P – Protect the injured area by taping and bandaging it or using joint protectors or crutches.

OL – Optimal Loading: Load as early as possible but not too hard or heavy.

I – Ice: Apply some form of cold, such as an ice pack, for 10-20 minutes every two hours.

C – Compression: Stop swelling and reduce pain through compression. An elastic bandage around the affected area usually helps.

E – Elevation: This means that the injured area should be in an elevated position.

Achilles tendonitis

Pain in the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendonitis is usually given to the minor injuries that occur to the Achilles tendon after strenuous exercise. The signs are persistent pain and stiffness in the heel, ankle, and calf.

Treatment: Activate your foot by exercising your mobility and strength. Wear sturdy shoes and possibly an insole to relieve the tendon. Very severe heel pain may require surgery.

Read more about Achilles tendonitis here!

Heel spurs

Heel spurs, or calcaneal spurs, get their name from the trigger, a piece of bone structure formed on the underside of the heel. It makes the tendon attachment under the heel sore and painful.

Treatment: Put insoles inside your shoes. Also, stretch and activate the foot to relieve the tension in the tendon joint. Doctors don’t usually give cortisone injections for heel spurs because there is a high risk that you will overload your foot even more, but it does happen occasionally. If that doesn’t help, you can undergo shock wave treatment or surgery.

Read more about heel spur here!

Runner’s knee

Indications of runner’s knee are pain and popping sounds on the outside of the knee. The pain often occurs gradually, progressing from manageable to more pronounced.

Treatment: A foam roller is recommended, stretching the IT band, i.e., the tendon that extends along the thighbone and causes pain when rubbed and irritated (read: runner’s knee).

Read more about the runner’s knee here!

How do I avoid these problems?

1. Vary the surface (and shoes!)

The body needs to be challenged to develop. It would be best to have a variety to avoid monotonous training and movements. Running on different surfaces (asphalt, hills, running track, terrain) activates and strengthens muscles and joints. This, in turn, reduces the risk of injury because a more significant number of body parts are activated. Changing shoes occasionally to vary your stride is also a good idea.

2. Warm up properly

Warming up raises the temperature of the muscles, making them suppler and more flexible. Coordination also improves when muscles are warm. This is an advantage when going for a run as it reduces the risk of stepping on the wrong side and stubbing/bruising your feet.

3. Shorten and vary your stride

A good run is not the same as a long run. Just running and running and running wears out your body. A worn-out body is more prone to injury. This is why it’s essential to listen to your body’s signals. One such movement might tell you to run for a shorter time or slow down. Another might be to supplement with strength training, for example.

4. Massage

Massage has many benefits. It softens muscles, alleviates soreness, and speeds up recovery. This is where Flowlife comes in. Our massage products come with different nozzles and intensities depending on your needs.

5. Rest and recover

The importance of rest and recovery cannot be stressed enough. Taking a rest day every week, sleeping enough hours, and eating the right food for your needs is essential for physical growth and performance.

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