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Fascia – Why massage the connective tissue?

Fascia is a type of connective tissue, the thin membrane of tissue that binds together all the components of our body. In the past, it was believed that the only task of the fascia was to keep everything in place, but in recent years it has become clear that it has more functions than that.

The fascia is mobile and resilient and affects how we move. Another important discovery is that it is affected by stress. You can think of the fascia as a whole body stocking that is stretched and moved around every time we move our bodies. When it’s in its best shape, the facia is soft, smooth and moves quickly with the muscles.

However, The problem is that we often get caught up in repetitive movements or sitting in the same position for a long time; for example, bent over the laptop. The fascia then becomes tense and less elastic, leading to stiffness. Prolonged stress can also have a negative effect and make it hard; it is an attempt to protect the underlying muscles.

This is why fascia is an essential element to consider regarding your well-being.

How to keep your fascia in good shape!

  • Stretching

    The fascia is stretched a little differently than the muscles. It requires a slower and longer stretch. Spend at least 3 minutes in each position, and relax correctly. Yin yoga is a fantastic yoga form where you spend a long time in each pose, so this can be a good alternative if you want to give the fascia some extra love.
  • Massage

    Use the same principle as stretching, take it easy, and take your time! Use a massage pillow or massage gun, for example, a Flowpillow Heat or a Flowgun GO. Connective tissue massage can make the fascia soften and stretch more easily.

  • Move your body!

    Don’t get stuck in the same static position for too long; move around every fifteen minutes! This is important, especially for those who work in an office and are stuck behind a desk all day. Stand up and stretch your body occasionally to keep the fascia moving and soft.

  • Drink water

    Like much else in your body, the fascia consists of water. To keep it soft and supple, stay hydrated! A good tip is always to carry a bottle of water and set a daily goal for how much you should drink.

  • Relax

    Stress can make the fascia tight and tense like the rest of the body. So make sure you breathe, relax, and are kind to yourself and your body. Introducing more relaxing practices, such as yoga or meditation, will lay a good foundation for a healthy fascia.

Products in this article:

Flowpillow Heat


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