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Experienced backache?

Having backache is a common occurrence, and most often, you get pain in your lower back. A common cause for this is a poor working environment. You may be sitting still for too long or stressed often, which causes your muscles to get tense and hurt. 

However, there are different types of backache:

Pain in the lower back 

  • The pain usually is light in the beginning and then gradually increases
  • The pain can radiate down to the foot.
  • It is often linked to overloading the lower back.

Naprapath Filip Allerkrans explains how pain in the lower back affects about 80% of the population, which makes this problem one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system. He also points out that the occurrence and cause may differ, depending on the debut of pain. Often due to mechanical trauma, for example, when slipping. Or it may be due to overload –  from changing tires on the car, for example.


  • The pain is sudden, and you feel cramps in the back muscles
  • The pain worsens when you turn your back
  • This is usually due to overload for an extended period of time

Pain in the thoracic spine

  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Tensions in the muscles
  • The pain varies depending on the posture

Why do you get backache?

A common cause of backache is, as mentioned earlier, a poor working environment. For office workers, it is usually about being seated in front of a desk all day and not changing posture often enough. It can be about lifting heavy things with other professions – often and incorrectly.

To avoid damage due to heavy lifting, you should:

  • Keep what you carry close to the body
  • Bend your knees instead of your back
  • Do not turn your back sideways

For those working in an office, several simple tricks exist to avoid or relieve back pain.

  • Massage

    Continuous massage keeps stress levels down och prevents sore and stiff muscles. Massage is also an excellent way to treat backache.
  • Adjustable table
    Many professions require a lot of sitting in front of a computer. A good thing to remember is to stand a little now and then. A height-adjustable table allows you to work both standing and sitting.
  • Light exercise
    Resting too much only causes your muscles to become even tighter. Try exercising lightly, at home or the gym. Focus on your back muscles.

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