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Mobility training

Mobility training is important to avoid stiffness and injuries but also to maintain a good posture and train more effectively.

What is it?

When we talk about mobility, we mean training that involves several joints and muscles at the same time. Usually, different types of stretching exercises are included. A perfect example of this is Yoga, which works great for stretching muscles and joints – which leads to becoming more flexible in both body and muscles.

ISC on mobility

Simply, there is passive and active mobility training. Mobility is usually divided into two categories: flexibility and mobility.

Flexibility is how far you can get out in a movement passively, and it can be achieved through, for example, static stretching. However, great flexibility does not guarantee that you can move in and out of a position with control.

Mobility is the ability to control a movement in its final position. During training, you load extreme positions to get a long-term change in the range of motion. You “assure” the brain that you can control the end position in a joint in a safe way. Examples of mobility training are strength training in a full range of motion, yoga where you repeatedly go in and out of a position with control.

Sam Soheil, Rode Ericsson
Leg. Naprapath


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